Switch Management

Aruba 8360 Switch Management

Capture Currently Running Config

Capture the currently running config into a file external to the switch, before making any changes.

ssh admin@ "show running-config" > S63-40-R1-sw5_config_before.txt

This will look like:

Showing Interfaces

show interface

S63-40-R1-sw5# show interface

Interface 1/1/1 is up
 Admin state is up
 Link state: up for 10 months (since Tue Feb 27 17:41:27 UTC 2024)
 Link transitions: 141
 Description: cdslmo401 LAG
 Hardware: Ethernet, MAC Address: ec:02:73:c0:c4:4e
 MTU 9198
 Type 10GbT
 qos trust none
 Speed 10000 Mb/s
 Auto-negotiation is on
 Flow-control: off
 Error-control: off
 MDI mode: MDI
 Rate collection interval: 300 seconds

 Rate                               RX                   TX        Total (RX+TX)
 ---------------- -------------------- -------------------- --------------------
 Mbits / sec                      8.29                12.44                20.73
 KPkts / sec                      2.10                 2.86                 4.96
   Unicast                        2.10                 2.86                 4.96
   Multicast                      0.00                 0.00                 0.00
   Broadcast                      0.00                 0.00                 0.00
 Utilization %                    0.08                 0.12                 0.20

 Statistic                          RX                   TX                Total
 ---------------- -------------------- -------------------- --------------------
 Packets                  181757869392         232780599053         414538468445
   Unicast                181726702594         232756942576         414483645170
   Multicast                  22644561             12200279             34844840
   Broadcast                   8522237             11456198             19978435
 Bytes                 128074754304435      186683266066470      314758020370905
 Jumbos                       16790949                40511             16831460
 Dropped                             0                    0                    0
 Pause Frames                        0                    0                    0
 Errors                              0                    0                    0
   CRC/FCS                           0                  n/a                    0
   Collision                       n/a                    0                    0
   Runts                             0                  n/a                    0
   Giants                            0                  n/a                    0

Interface 1/1/2 is up
 Admin state is up
 Link state: up for 4 months (since Wed Sep 04 15:45:02 UTC 2024)
 Link transitions: 111
 Description: cdslmo4_dm01 P2
 Hardware: Ethernet, MAC Address: ec:02:73:c0:c4:4d
 MTU 9198
 Type 10GbT
 qos trust none
 Speed 10000 Mb/s
 Auto-negotiation is on
 Flow-control: off
 Error-control: off
 MDI mode: MDI
 VLAN Mode: access
 Access VLAN: 2
 Rate collection interval: 300 seconds

 Rate                               RX                   TX        Total (RX+TX)
 ---------------- -------------------- -------------------- --------------------
 Mbits / sec                      0.00                 0.00                 0.00
 KPkts / sec                      0.00                 0.00                 0.00
   Unicast                        0.00                 0.00                 0.00
   Multicast                      0.00                 0.00                 0.00
   Broadcast                      0.00                 0.00                 0.00
 Utilization %                    0.00                 0.00                 0.00

 Statistic                          RX                   TX                Total
 ---------------- -------------------- -------------------- --------------------
 Packets                       4064766            105577409            109642175
   Unicast                           1               170133               170134
   Multicast                   4064749             96962465            101027214
   Broadcast                        16              8444811              8444827
 Bytes                       903833924           7671979663           8575813587
 Jumbos                              0                    0                    0
 Dropped                             0                    0                    0

For a shorter version, show interface brief

S63-40-R1-sw5# show interface brief
Port      Native  Mode   Type           Enabled Status  Reason                 Speed   Description
          VLAN                                                                 (Mb/s)
1/1/1     2       trunk  10GbT          yes     up                             10000   cdslmo401 LAG
1/1/2     2       access 10GbT          yes     up                             10000   cdslmo4_dm01 P2
1/1/3     2       trunk  10GbT          yes     up                             10000   cdslmo402 LAG
1/1/4     2       access 10GbT          yes     up                             10000   cdslmo4_dm02 P2
1/1/5     2       trunk  10GbT          yes     up                             10000   cdslmo403 LAG
1/1/6     2       access 10GbT          yes     up                             10000   cdslmo4_dm03 P2
1/1/7     --      routed 10GbT          no      down    Administratively down  --      --
1/1/8     --      routed 10GbT          no      down    Administratively down  --      --
1/1/9     --      routed 10GbT          no      down    Administratively down  --      --
1/1/10    --      routed 10GbT          no      down    Administratively down  --      --
1/1/11    --      routed 10GbT          no      down    Administratively down  --      --
1/1/12    --      routed 10GbT          no      down    Administratively down  --      --
1/1/13    --      routed 10GbT          no      down    Administratively down  --      --
1/1/14    --      routed 10GbT          no      down    Administratively down  --      --
1/1/15    --      routed 10GbT          no      down    Administratively down  --      --
1/1/16    --      routed 10GbT          no      down    Administratively down  --      --
1/1/17    --      routed 10GbT          no      down    Administratively down  --      --
1/1/18    --      routed 10GbT          no      down    Administratively down  --      --
1/1/19    --      routed 10GbT          no      down    Administratively down  --      --
1/1/20    --      routed 10GbT          no      down    Administratively down  --      --
1/1/21    --      routed 10GbT          no      down    Administratively down  --      --
1/1/22    --      routed 10GbT          no      down    Administratively down  --      --
1/1/23    --      routed 10GbT          no      down    Administratively down  --      --
1/1/24    --      routed 10GbT          no      down    Administratively down  --      --
1/1/25    --      routed 10GbT          no      down    Administratively down  --      --
1/1/26    --      routed 10GbT          no      down    Administratively down  --      --
1/1/27    --      routed 10GbT          no      down    Administratively down  --      --
1/1/28    --      routed 10GbT          no      down    Administratively down  --      --
1/1/29    --      routed 10GbT          no      down    Administratively down  --      --
1/1/30    --      routed 10GbT          no      down    Administratively down  --      --
1/1/31    --      routed 10GbT          no      down    Administratively down  --      --
1/1/32    --      routed 10GbT          no      down    Administratively down  --      --
1/1/33    1       access 10GbT          yes     up                             1000    cslmo500 port2
1/1/34    1       access 10GbT          yes     up                             100     cslmo503 port2
1/1/35    1       access 10GbT          yes     up                             1000    cslmo501 port2
1/1/36    1       access 10GbT          yes     up                             1000    cslmo504 port2
1/1/37    1       access 10GbT          yes     up                             1000    cslmo502 port2