
Pointers are just integers that represent memory addresses.

Raw Pointers

Defining Pointers

A pointer is just a memory address — an integer, so it doesn’t need a type. Giving a pointer a type just states that the data at that address is the type we specified.

Here we’ve defined a pointer with memory address 0. Note that 0 is not a valid memory address. It’s the same as NULL.

// These are all equivalent
void *ptr = 0;
void *ptr = NULL;
void *ptr = nullptr;

What if we want to create a useful pointer that points to a valid memory address, like a variable in our program?

int var = 16;

// &var is the memory address of var.
// int * is our way of telling what the data type is that
// ptr points to. Using void * would also be valid.
int *ptr = &var;

Using Pointers

We can use a pointer to manipulate the data stored at its address, by dereferencing the pointer using a *.

Using the snippet above as an example:

int var = 16;
int *ptr = &var;

// Writing from a pointer:
// Go to the address stored in ptr and set the value there to 13
*ptr = 13;

// Reading from a pointer:
// Retrieve the value at the address stored in ptr, save to myvar2
int myvar2 = *ptr;

We can allocate space on the heap, which returns a pointer to the beginning address, set all the values to 0, then clean up.

// Allocate 8 chars in heap, and return a pointer to first one
char *buffer = new char[8];

// Sweep 8 bytes starting at buffer and set each value to 0.
memset(buffer, 0, 8);

// Clean up allocated memory.
delete[] buffer;

Double, Triple Pointers

Pointers themselves are stored in memory, and have a memory address of their own. You can create a pointer whose memory address references that of another pointer. These are essentially just pointers to pointers.

An example of this:

int var = 16;

// Just like before, ptr1 is an int pointer
int *ptr1 = &var;

// Store address of ptr1 in ptr2
// ptr2 is a pointer to an int pointer, hence int **
int **ptr2 = &ptr1;

Smart Pointers

Smart pointers are a way to automate the process of allocating and freeing memory on the heap. They’re just a wrapper around a raw pointer.

With raw pointers, we would need to do:

// Allocate 8 chars in heap, and return a pointer to first one
char *buffer = new char[8];

// ... do something with buffer ...

// Clean up allocated memory.
delete[] buffer;

Different types of smart pointers:

  • std::unique_ptr: When this pointer goes out of scope, it will be destroyed (delete will be called on it). These are scoped, so you can’t copy a unique_ptr, because when one copy of it dies, that memory is freed so all other copies just reference freed memory. *

Using Smart Pointers

The first thing we’ll have to do to get access to these smart pointers is to #include <memory>.

We’ll be using the following class to demonstrate the functionality of smart pointers:

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <memory>

// Class to show creation/destruction of smart pointer
class Entity {

        // Constructor
        Entity() {
            std::cout << "Created Entity!\n";

        // Destructor
        ~Entity() {
            std::cout << "Destroyed Entity!\n";

        void entityPrint() {
            std::cout << "print() invoked\n";


If we want to create a pointer that lives in a certain scope, we can do that like so:

int main() {
        std::unique_ptr<Entity> entity = std::make_unique<Entity>();

You can only have 1 copy in existence for the life of a std::unique_ptr. Its life and death is within the scope that it was defined in. For example, you cannot do something like std::unique_ptr<Entity> e2 = entity, this would not even compile.


By using shared_ptr, more than one pointer can point to this one object at a time and it’ll maintain a Reference Counter using the use_count() method (GeeksForGeeks). Each time a shared pointer falls out of scope, the allocated object’s reference counter is decremented. Once the reference count reaches zero, the object is deallocated and freed.


int main() {

    std::shared_ptr<Entity> e2;
        std::shared_ptr<Entity> e1 = std::make_shared<Entity>();
        std::cout << e1.use_count() << '\n';
        e2 = e1;
        std::cout << e2.use_count() << '\n';
    std::cout << e2.use_count() << '\n';

Example output:

Entity constructed()
print() invoked
Entity destructed()