Lustre Filesystem Benchmarks



Small sequential writes:

fio --numjobs=64 --name=seq_write_$(hostname) --iodepth=16 --size=16g --blocksize=128k --direct=1 --ioengine=libaio --rw=write --directory=/mnt/cstor1/ccarlson/flash --group_reporting --output-format=json --output=seq_write_small.json

Large sequential writes:

fio --numjobs=64 --name=seq_write_$(hostname) --iodepth=2 --size=16g --blocksize=16m --direct=1 --ioengine=libaio --rw=write --directory=/mnt/cstor1/ccarlson/flash --group_reporting --output-format=json --output=seq_write_large.json

Large sequential reads:

fio --numjobs=64 --name=seq_read_$(hostname) --size=16g --blocksize=64m --ioengine=libaio --rw=read --directory=/mnt/cstor1/ccarlson/flash --group_reporting --output-format=json --output=seq_read_large.json




Stop your firewall, this can prevent openmpi communication:

systemctl stop firewalld
setenforce 0

Install openmpi for your distribution:

Clone the ior repo:

git clone
cd ior/

Next, bootstrap, configure and make the IOR software:


Add the built ior binary to your PATH variable:

export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/ior/src/ior"


  1. Login to one of the compute nodes as the benchmark user

  2. Create a host file for the mpirun command, containing the list of Lustre clients that will be used for the benchmark. Each line in the file represents a machine and the number of slots (usually equal to the number of CPU cores). For example:

    for i in $(seq -f "%02g" 1 4); do
      echo "n"$i" slots=128"
    done > $HOME/hostfile

    This results in a file like the following:

    n01 slots=128
    n02 slots=128
    n03 slots=128
    n04 slots=128
    • The first column of the host file contains the name of the nodes. This can also be an IP address if the /etc/hosts file or DNS is not set up.

    • The second column is used to represent the number of CPU cores.

  3. Run a quick test using mpirun to launch the benchmark and verify that the environment is set up correctly. For example:

    mpirun --hostfile $HOME/hostfile --map-by node -np $(cat $HOME/hostfile | wc -l) hostname

If this is working, you can move on to using the IOR tool. I use the following script to make benchmarks easier to execute by just changing some variables:


set -ex

THREADS_PER_NODE=(1 8 16 32 64 128)
TRANSFER_SIZES=("128k" "1m" "16m" "64m")

# Sequential Write
function seq_write {
  mpirun --allow-run-as-root --machinefile $MACHINE_FILE --mca btl_tcp_if_include eth0 -np $(( THREADS * TOTAL_HOSTS )) --map-by "node" \
    $IOR_BIN -v -F --posix.odirect -C -t $TRANSFER_SIZE -b $BLOCKSIZE_PER_TASK -e -w -k -o $TEST_DIRECTORY/$TEST_FILE \
    -O summaryFile=$OUT_FILE -O summaryFormat=CSV
  RESULTS=$(tail -1 $OUT_FILE)
  echo -e "seq_write,$THREADS,$TRANSFER_SIZE,$RESULTS" >> $OUT_DIR/results.csv

# Random Write
function rand_write {
  mpirun --allow-run-as-root --machinefile $MACHINE_FILE --mca btl_tcp_if_include eth0 -np $(( THREADS * TOTAL_HOSTS )) --map-by "node" \
    $IOR_BIN -v -F --posix.odirect -C -t $TRANSFER_SIZE -b $BLOCKSIZE_PER_TASK -e -w -z -k -o $TEST_DIRECTORY/$TEST_FILE \
    -O summaryFile=$OUT_FILE -O summaryFormat=CSV
  RESULTS=$(tail -1 $OUT_FILE)
  echo -e "rand_write,$THREADS,$TRANSFER_SIZE,$RESULTS" >> $OUT_DIR/results.csv

# Sequential Read
function seq_read {
  mpirun --allow-run-as-root --machinefile $MACHINE_FILE --mca btl_tcp_if_include eth0 -np $(( THREADS * TOTAL_HOSTS )) --map-by "node" \
    $IOR_BIN -v -F --posix.odirect -C -t $TRANSFER_SIZE -b $BLOCKSIZE_PER_TASK -r -k -o $TEST_DIRECTORY/$TEST_FILE \
    -O summaryFile=$OUT_FILE -O summaryFormat=CSV
  RESULTS=$(tail -1 $OUT_FILE)
  echo -e "seq_read,$THREADS,$TRANSFER_SIZE,$RESULTS" >> $OUT_DIR/results.csv

# Random Read
function rand_read {
  mpirun --allow-run-as-root --machinefile $MACHINE_FILE --mca btl_tcp_if_include eth0 -np $(( THREADS * TOTAL_HOSTS )) --map-by "node" \
    $IOR_BIN -v -F --posix.odirect -C -t $TRANSFER_SIZE -b $BLOCKSIZE_PER_TASK -r -z -k -o $TEST_DIRECTORY/$TEST_FILE \
    -O summaryFile=$OUT_FILE -O summaryFormat=CSV
  RESULTS=$(tail -1 $OUT_FILE)
  echo -e "rand_read,$THREADS,$TRANSFER_SIZE,$RESULTS" >> $OUT_DIR/results.csv

[ $# -ne 1 ] && echo -e "Usage:\n\ <output_directory>\n" && exit 1

mkdir -p $OUT_DIR

echo -e "access_type,threads,transfer_size,access,bw(MiB/s),IOPS,Latency,block(KiB),xfer(KiB),open(s),wr/rd(s),close(s),total(s),numTasks,iter" \
  > $OUT_DIR/results.csv

    echo -e "\nRunning benchmark with transfer size of $TRANSFER_SIZE, and $THREADS threads\n"
    rand_write $TRANSFER_SIZE $THREADS

You can use this by just running ./ <output_directory>, i.e:

./ /home/ccarlson/multi_node

This will collect all your aggregated CSV results into a single results.csv file, a snippet of which looks like:


Usage Example

The following example uses mpirun to execute a single instance (-np 1) of ior on the machine provided in machinefile.txt, mapped by slots available on that machine. IOR is doing a sequential write (-w) benchmark, using file-per-process (-F), bypasses the hosts buffer with ODIRECT=1 flag (--posix.odirect=1), reordering tasks (-C), with a transfer size of 128 KiB at a time (-t 128k), and a total block size of 16 GiB (-b 16g) per process. It does an fsync after the write operation is closed (-e), and keeps the files it wrote (-k). The output files go to /mnt/cstor1/ccarlson/testfile.XXXX where XXXX is the process ID. Finally, the benchmark summary is output to the file single_node/slots_1/seq_write_128k.csv in the CSV format.

mpirun --allow-run-as-root --machinefile machinefile.txt -np 1 --map-by slot \
  /home/ccarlson/ior/src/ior -v \
    -F --posix.odirect -C -t 128k -b 16g -e -w -k \
    -o /mnt/cstor1/ccarlson/testfile \
    -O summaryFile=single_node/slots_1/seq_write_128k.csv \
    -O summaryFormat=CSV

Command-line Options

Option Description

-a S


-A N

refNum - user reference number to include in long summary

-b N

blockSize - contiguous bytes to write per task (e.g.: 8, 4k, 2m, 1g)


collective - collective I/O


reorderTasksConstant - changes task ordering to n+1 ordering for readback

-d N

interTestDelay - delay between reps in seconds

-D N

deadlineForStonewalling - seconds before stopping write or read phase


fsync - perform fsync upon POSIX write close


useExistingTestFile - do not remove test file before write access

-f S

scriptFile - test script name


filePerProc - file-per-process


intraTestBarriers - use barriers between open, write/read, and close

-G N

setTimeStampSignature - set value for time stamp signature


showHelp - displays options and help


showHints - show hints

-i N

repetitions - number of repetitions of test


individualDataSets - datasets not shared by all procs [not working]

-j N

outlierThreshold - warn on outlier N seconds from mean

-J N

setAlignment - HDF5 alignment in bytes (e.g.: 8, 4k, 2m, 1g)


keepFile - don’t remove the test file(s) on program exit


keepFileWithError - keep error-filled file(s) after data-checking


data packet type- type of packet that will be created [offset|incompressible|timestamp|o|i|t]


multiFile - use number of reps (-i) for multiple file count

-M N

memoryPerNode - hog memory on the node (e.g.: 2g, 75%)


noFill - no fill in HDF5 file creation

-N N

numTasks - number of tasks that should participate in the test

-o S

testFile - full name for test

-O S

string of IOR directives (e.g. -O checkRead=1,GPUid=2)


preallocate - preallocate file size


useSharedFilePointer - use shared file pointer [not working]


quitOnError - during file error-checking, abort on error

-Q N

taskPerNodeOffset for read tests use with -C & -Z options (-C constant N, -Z at least N) [!HDF5]


readFile - read existing file


checkRead - check read after read

-s N

segmentCount - number of segments


useStridedDatatype - put strided access into datatype [not working]

-t N

transferSize - size of transfer in bytes (e.g.: 8, 4k, 2m, 1g)

-T N

maxTimeDuration - max time in minutes to run tests


uniqueDir - use unique directory name for each file-per-process

-U S

hintsFileName - full name for hints file


verbose - output information (repeating flag increases level)


useFileView - use MPI_File_set_view


writeFile - write file


checkWrite - check read after write


singleXferAttempt - do not retry transfer if incomplete

-X N

reorderTasksRandomSeed - random seed for -Z option


fsyncPerWrite - perform fsync after each POSIX write


randomOffset - access is to random, not sequential, offsets within a file


reorderTasksRandom - changes task ordering to random ordering for readback

  • S is a string, N is an integer number.

  • For transfer and block sizes, the case-insensitive K, M, and G suffices are recognized. I.e., 4k or 4K is accepted as 4096.

Overview of IOR Benchmarks with System Monitoring

Case Study: Grenoble System Benchmark Results

Here we show a demo of the benchmark results captured using the aforementioned tools on the flash pool of a single ClusterStor E1000.

Single-node Performance

MPI parameters:

  • Number of processes: 1, 16, 32, 64, 128

  • Nodes: 1

  • Map-by: slots on node (node capable of 128 slots)

IOR write parameters:

  • File-per-process (-F)

  • POSIX write directives: O_DIRECT (--posix.odirect)

  • Transfer sizes: 128k, 1m, 16m, 64m (-t N)

  • Blocksize per task: 16g (-b N)

  • Invoke fsync on POSIX write close (-e)

  • Keep written files for reading later (-k)

Additionally, the -z flag was used for the random writes test to write to random offsets.

IOR read parameters:

  • File-per-process (-F)

  • Transfer sizes: 128k, 1m, 16m, 64m (-t N)

  • Shift reads to what our node didn’t write, if we have neighboring nodes (-C)

  • Blocksize per task: 16g (-b N)

Additionally, the -z flag was used for the random reads test to read from random offsets.

Single-node Plotted Results

Visualizing these results with matplotlib shows us some critical information:

Figure 1: Single-node write throughput: Write performance varies by concurrent thread count, categorized by transfer size.

Grenoble Write Performance

Figure 2: Single-node write IOPS: Write performance varies by concurrent thread count, categorized by transfer size.

Grenoble Write IOPS

Figure 3: Single-node read throughput: Read performance varies by concurrent thread count, categorized by transfer size.

Grenoble Read Performance

Figure 4: Single-node read IOPS: Read performance varies by concurrent thread count, categorized by transfer size.

Grenoble Read IOPS

From the figures above, we can see that transfer size is inversely correlated with IOPS; the bigger your transfers are, the fewer you can do per second. Lustre has higher throughput with larger transfer sizes, meaning higher throughput means lower IOPS. We can also see the effects of having tuned the system for large I/O transfer sizes, in our case, 64 MiB transfer sizes. Trying to use smaller 128 KiB transfer sizes with a system tuned this way simply does not perform well when it comes to write throughput. Another curious discovery is that 1 MiB transfer sizes actually beat 128 KiB transfer sizes in terms of IOPS; a theory here is that Lustre queues up several 128 KiB transactions before sending, whereas 1 MiB transactions are sent immediately. Again, this is a tuning option that can be configured differently based on the user’s needs.


MDTest Installation

Make sure MPI is installed on your nodes:

apt install openmpi-common=4.1.2-2ubuntu1 openmpi-bin=4.1.2-2ubuntu1 mpich=4.0-3 mpi-default-dev=1.14 libopenmpi3=4.1.2-2ubuntu1 libopenmpi-dev=4.1.2-2ubuntu1 libmpich12=4.0-3 libmpich-dev=4.0-3 libcaf-openmpi-3=2.9.2-3

Then, clone the ior repo and make it to generate the mdtest binary

git clone && cd ior && ./bootstrap && ./configure && make && make install

MDTest Synopsis

Synopsis mdtest

  -C                            only create files/dirs
  -T                            only stat files/dirs
  -E                            only read files/dir
  -r                            only remove files or directories left behind by previous runs
  -D                            perform test on directories only (no files)
  -F                            perform test on files only (no directories)
  -k                            use mknod to create file
  -L                            files only at leaf level of tree
  -P                            print rate AND time
  --print-all-procs             all processes print an excerpt of their results
  -R                            random access to files (only for stat)
  -S                            shared file access (file only, no directories)
  -c                            collective creates: task 0 does all creates
  -t                            time unique working directory overhead
  -u                            unique working directory for each task
  -v                            verbosity (each instance of option increments by one)
  -X, --verify-read             Verify the data read
  --verify-write                Verify the data after a write by reading it back immediately
  -y                            sync file after writing
  -Y                            call the sync command after each phase (included in the timing; note it causes all IO to be flushed from your node)
  -Z                            print time instead of rate
  --warningAsErrors             Any warning should lead to an error.
  --showRankStatistics          Include statistics per rank

Optional arguments
  -a=STRING                     API for I/O [POSIX|DUMMY]
  -b=1                          branching factor of hierarchical directory structure
  -d=./out                      directory or multiple directories where the test will run [dir|dir1@dir2@dir3...]
  -B=0                          no barriers between phases
  -e=0                          bytes to read from each file
  -f=1                          first number of tasks on which the test will run
  -G=-1                         Offset for the data in the read/write buffer, if not set, a random value is used
  -i=1                          number of iterations the test will run
  -I=0                          number of items per directory in tree
  -l=0                          last number of tasks on which the test will run
  -n=0                          every process will creat/stat/read/remove # directories and files
  -N=0                          stride # between tasks for file/dir operation (local=0; set to 1 to avoid client cache)
  -p=0                          pre-iteration delay (in seconds)
  --random-seed=0               random seed for -R
  -s=1                          stride between the number of tasks for each test
  -V=0                          verbosity value
  -w=0                          bytes to write to each file after it is created
  -W=0                          number in seconds; stonewall timer, write as many seconds and ensure all processes did the same number of operations (currently only stops during create phase and files)
  -x=STRING                     StoneWallingStatusFile; contains the number of iterations of the creation phase, can be used to split phases across runs
  -z=0                          depth of hierarchical directory structure
  --dataPacketType=t            type of packet that will be created [offset|incompressible|timestamp|random|o|i|t|r]
  --run-cmd-before-phase=STRING call this external command before each phase (excluded from the timing)
  --run-cmd-after-phase=STRING  call this external command after each phase (included in the timing)
  --saveRankPerformanceDetails=STRINGSave the individual rank information into this CSV file.

Module POSIX

  --posix.odirect               Direct I/O Mode
  --posix.rangelocks            Use range locks (read locks for read ops)

Module DUMMY

  --dummy.delay-only-rank0      Delay only Rank0

Optional arguments
  --dummy.delay-create=0        Delay per create in usec
  --dummy.delay-close=0         Delay per close in usec
  --dummy.delay-sync=0          Delay for sync in usec
  --dummy.delay-xfer=0          Delay per xfer in usec

Module MPIIO

  --mpiio.showHints             Show MPI hints
  --mpiio.preallocate           Preallocate file size
  --mpiio.useStridedDatatype    put strided access into datatype
  --mpiio.useFileView           Use MPI_File_set_view

Optional arguments
  --mpiio.hintsFileName=STRING  Full name for hints file

Module MMAP

  --mmap.madv_dont_need         Use advise don't need
  --mmap.madv_pattern           Use advise to indicate the pattern random/sequential

MDTest Usage

Create a machinefile.txt for the nodes you want to use in the test:

o186i221 slots=128

Here’s the template of the script I’m using to run the benchmarks:

set -ex


mpirun --allow-run-as-root --machinefile machinefile.txt --mca btl_tcp_if_include eth0 -np 256 --map-by "node" $MDTEST_BIN -n 1024 -i 8 -u -d $TEST_DIRECTORY

Single-node results:

SUMMARY rate (in ops/sec): (of 1 iterations)
   Operation                     Max            Min           Mean        Std Dev
   ---------                     ---            ---           ----        -------
   Directory creation          45516.799      45516.799      45516.799          0.000
   Directory stat              91325.356      91325.356      91325.356          0.000
   Directory rename            19092.439      19092.439      19092.439          0.000
   Directory removal           46454.459      46454.459      46454.459          0.000
   File creation               27546.829      27546.829      27546.829          0.000
   File stat                  100070.848     100070.848     100070.848          0.000
   File read                   31330.659      31330.659      31330.659          0.000
   File removal                47469.422      47469.422      47469.422          0.000
   Tree creation                 160.929        160.929        160.929          0.000
   Tree removal                  114.180        114.180        114.180          0.000

Adding a node to the machinefile.txt:

o186i221 slots=128
o186i222 slots=128

And running mdtest with -np 64 across two nodes:

SUMMARY rate (in ops/sec): (of 1 iterations)
   Operation                     Max            Min           Mean        Std Dev
   ---------                     ---            ---           ----        -------
   Directory creation          78491.020      78491.020      78491.020          0.000
   Directory stat             171977.979     171977.979     171977.979          0.000
   Directory rename            18771.272      18771.272      18771.272          0.000
   Directory removal           74219.955      74219.955      74219.955          0.000
   File creation               47604.781      47604.781      47604.781          0.000
   File stat                  203713.008     203713.008     203713.008          0.000
   File read                   57480.862      57480.862      57480.862          0.000
   File removal                90014.367      90014.367      90014.367          0.000
   Tree creation                 126.758        126.758        126.758          0.000
   Tree removal                   77.215         77.215         77.215          0.000

For mdtest with -np 96 across three nodes:

SUMMARY rate (in ops/sec): (of 1 iterations)
   Operation                     Max            Min           Mean        Std Dev
   ---------                     ---            ---           ----        -------
   Directory creation          97702.454      97702.454      97702.454          0.000
   Directory stat             207674.088     207674.088     207674.088          0.000
   Directory rename            18211.999      18211.999      18211.999          0.000
   Directory removal           81427.460      81427.460      81427.460          0.000
   File creation               66567.553      66567.553      66567.553          0.000
   File stat                  230463.001     230463.001     230463.001          0.000
   File read                   69500.465      69500.465      69500.465          0.000
   File removal               110073.006     110073.006     110073.006          0.000
   Tree creation                 127.715        127.715        127.715          0.000
   Tree removal                   59.439         59.439         59.439          0.000

And lastly, mdtest with -np 128 across four nodes:

SUMMARY rate (in ops/sec): (of 8 iterations)
   Operation                     Max            Min           Mean        Std Dev
   ---------                     ---            ---           ----        -------
   Directory creation          84251.208      62647.619      78386.218       6880.651
   Directory stat             361536.604     332163.887     352341.756      10178.275
   Directory rename            18698.508      17422.244      18151.485        452.181
   Directory removal          105595.415      88066.194      98551.598       7980.985
   File creation               70881.893      57927.137      63400.068       4959.008
   File stat                  454551.577     436691.911     445087.492       5121.937
   File read                   82874.429      77116.916      80370.560       2020.437
   File removal               129379.591     106346.752     118982.552      10990.342
   Tree creation                  83.131         55.279         78.752          9.537
   Tree removal                   43.141         40.316         41.821          0.997

LNet Self-Test (lst)

On huygens, nid509 to 510 1:1 BW:


nid509:~ # -f 9027@kfi -t 9026@kfi -d 1:1 -m write -c 32 -n 1 -C simple
Discover server NIDs
Discover client NIDs
Start LST write - Fri 15 Nov 2024 12:42:31 PM CST
SESSION: lnet_session FEATURES: 1 TIMEOUT: 300 FORCE: No
Adding clients: 9027@kfi
9027@kfi are added to session
Adding servers: 9026@kfi
9026@kfi are added to session
Test: --batch brw_write --concurrency 32 --from clients --to servers --distribute 1:1 brw write check=simple size=1m
Stat: --count 1 --delay 15 --bw --mbs clients servers
Test was added successfully
brw_write is running now
[LNet Bandwidth of clients]
[R] Avg: 5.83     MB/s  Min: 5.83     MB/s  Max: 5.83     MB/s
[W] Avg: 38216.58 MB/s  Min: 38216.58 MB/s  Max: 38216.58 MB/s
[LNet Bandwidth of servers]
[R] Avg: 38215.57 MB/s  Min: 38215.57 MB/s  Max: 38215.57 MB/s
[W] Avg: 5.83     MB/s  Min: 5.83     MB/s  Max: 5.83     MB/s
1 batch in stopping
Batch is stopped
Stop LST write - Fri 15 Nov 2024 12:42:47 PM CST
session is ended


nid509:~ # -f 9027@kfi -t 9026@kfi -d 1:1 -m read -c 32 -n 1 -C simple
Discover server NIDs
Discover client NIDs
Start LST read - Fri 15 Nov 2024 12:47:58 PM CST
SESSION: lnet_session FEATURES: 1 TIMEOUT: 300 FORCE: No
Adding clients: 9027@kfi
9027@kfi are added to session
Adding servers: 9026@kfi
9026@kfi are added to session
Test: --batch brw_read --concurrency 32 --from clients --to servers --distribute 1:1 brw read check=simple size=1m
Stat: --count 1 --delay 15 --bw --mbs clients servers
Test was added successfully
brw_read is running now
[LNet Bandwidth of clients]
[R] Avg: 18797.21 MB/s  Min: 18797.21 MB/s  Max: 18797.21 MB/s
[W] Avg: 2.87     MB/s  Min: 2.87     MB/s  Max: 2.87     MB/s
[LNet Bandwidth of servers]
[R] Avg: 2.87     MB/s  Min: 2.87     MB/s  Max: 2.87     MB/s
[W] Avg: 18797.90 MB/s  Min: 18797.90 MB/s  Max: 18797.90 MB/s
1 batch in stopping
Batch is stopped
Stop LST read - Fri 15 Nov 2024 12:48:14 PM CST
session is ended

On huygens, nid[509-511] to nid512 3:1 BW:


nid509:~ # -f "9027@kfi 9026@kfi 9155@kfi" -t 9154@kfi -d 3:1 -m write -c 32 -n 1 -C simple
Discover server NIDs
Discover client NIDs
Start LST write - Fri 15 Nov 2024 12:45:30 PM CST
SESSION: lnet_session FEATURES: 1 TIMEOUT: 300 FORCE: No
Adding clients: 9027@kfi 9026@kfi 9155@kfi
9027@kfi are added to session
9026@kfi are added to session
9155@kfi are added to session
Adding servers: 9154@kfi
9154@kfi are added to session
Test: --batch brw_write --concurrency 32 --from clients --to servers --distribute 3:1 brw write check=simple size=1m
Stat: --count 1 --delay 15 --bw --mbs clients servers
Test was added successfully
brw_write is running now
[LNet Bandwidth of clients]
[R] Avg: 2.40     MB/s  Min: 2.40     MB/s  Max: 2.40     MB/s
[W] Avg: 15743.83 MB/s  Min: 15732.86 MB/s  Max: 15756.41 MB/s
[LNet Bandwidth of servers]
[R] Avg: 47232.89 MB/s  Min: 47232.89 MB/s  Max: 47232.89 MB/s
[W] Avg: 7.21     MB/s  Min: 7.21     MB/s  Max: 7.21     MB/s
3 batch in stopping
Batch is stopped
Stop LST write - Fri 15 Nov 2024 12:45:46 PM CST
session is ended


nid509:~ # -f "9027@kfi 9026@kfi 9155@kfi" -t 9154@kfi -d 3:1 -m read -c 32 -n 1 -C simple
Discover server NIDs
Discover client NIDs
Start LST read - Fri 15 Nov 2024 12:48:50 PM CST
SESSION: lnet_session FEATURES: 1 TIMEOUT: 300 FORCE: No
Adding clients: 9027@kfi 9026@kfi 9155@kfi
9027@kfi are added to session
9026@kfi are added to session
9155@kfi are added to session
Adding servers: 9154@kfi
9154@kfi are added to session
Test: --batch brw_read --concurrency 32 --from clients --to servers --distribute 3:1 brw read check=simple size=1m
Stat: --count 1 --delay 15 --bw --mbs clients servers
Test was added successfully
brw_read is running now
[LNet Bandwidth of clients]
[R] Avg: 6266.42  MB/s  Min: 44.16    MB/s  Max: 18656.51 MB/s
[W] Avg: 0.96     MB/s  Min: 0.01     MB/s  Max: 2.85     MB/s
[LNet Bandwidth of servers]
[R] Avg: 2.87     MB/s  Min: 2.87     MB/s  Max: 2.87     MB/s
[W] Avg: 18798.31 MB/s  Min: 18798.31 MB/s  Max: 18798.31 MB/s
1 batch in stopping
Batch is stopped
Stop LST read - Fri 15 Nov 2024 12:49:10 PM CST
session is ended