Compiling and Executing

Given some basic program, hello.cpp below, how can we compile and execute our code?

#include <iostream>

int main() {

  std::cout << "Hello World!\n";
  return 0;


To compile a simple .cpp file alone to a.out, you can run:

g++ hello.cpp


➜  simple1 g++ hello.cpp
➜  simple1 ls
a.out  hello.cpp
➜  simple1 ./a.out
Hello World

To compile our .cpp file to binary and give it a name:

g++ hello.cpp -o hello

A compiler translates the C++ program into machine language code which it stores on the disk as a file with the extension .o (e.g. hello.o). A linker then links the object code with standard library routines that the program may use and creates an executable image which is also saved on disk, usually as a file with the file name without any extension (e.g. hello).